Today I managed to finally get to the loom.
We were only gone for five days, but a lot happened during those five days, things that I needed to address, change, accommodate, answer, very few of them easily done with limited internet and my ipad.
So yesterday and today was a fair bit of dealing with said stuff, and just dealing with returning from such a rushed trip.
This morning began in the same fashion - something that needed to be dealt with before an appointment on Thursday, then add in a few more zoom connections, shift things around, doh-see-doh and here we go.
So I wasn't entirely sure I could make it to the loom, but my appointment today is a bit later than I usually book it, and I 'forgot' my 2nd cup of coffee in my focus on getting to the loom and finishing the last rose tea towel on the current warp.
Tomorrow I have no appointments or commitments, but there is far too much warp left to finish it in one day, even if I were inclined to weave more than two towels in a day anymore.
I have other deadlines that need addressing, too, plus lots of planning and thinking about my way forward, given everything that is happening - or not - in my life.
However, I did have enough surface attention left that I could think about warp #4, and I have come up with a plan, just need to open Fiberworks and mess with it, see if it will produce anything that I might like to dedicate an entire warp to setting up.
Warp #3 is ready to go into the loom, early next week, from the looks of my calendar.
The beginning weaving workshop has three students. When I had to shift the beginning day by one week, one person had to drop out. So far, no word on a fourth, but I'll go with three and that will be fine. There are also three signed up for the April/May workshop, and we are holding dates in September, which is also beginning to get filled up (potentially) if the things I managed to address while travelling come together. I have to sift through my emails and capture the dates each group wants and make sure there are no conflicts. Again, something that was difficult to do while on the road.
When you are a bear of little brain due to drug/pain reactions, life just becomes that much more difficult. So far the injection looks like it is going to help and I've managed to NOT take the heavy duty pain killers since Friday night. Hopefully my brain will be functioning again by tomorrow although that may be optimistic. It takes a few days for the drug brain fog to go away and of course, I'm still tired from the trip, so who knows when I'll feel more alert.
And I do want to BE more alert because I have some writing projects I want to begin working on. Not sure yet what will become of them, but it feels 'important' for me to get them down in words, not just in my crazy muddled brain.
But I am determined to do some things in the coming weeks while continuing to weave down my stash. My story...sticking to it...
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