Saturday, December 28, 2024

Transferring Information


One block tie up for the shifted twill blocks technique

Yesterday I had someone contact me, wanting the draft for a particular design they had seen in Stories from the Matrix.

I had assumed that anyone interested in this technique would have weaving software and be interested in designing their own motifs, but this person doesn't have software so delivering the information to them was a bit of a challenge.  I think I've figured out the easiest way to do that but it's going to take some time on my part.

Working out the details for this weave structure took a chunk of my time two winters ago, and I enjoyed playing with it.  However, life goes on and my curiousity is being challenged in new ways, now.  Since the days are ticking along, I have to get back to writing, so I worked on the current article yesterday and this morning.

We had a bit of sun yesterday, but today is back to overcast dreariness.  I think I am going to grab my drink (hydrate, hydrate, hydrate) and head to the loom.  I slept 'in' this morning so the day is evaporating.  However, I did figure out a few things, so I don't feel too guilty that I'm still in my jammies.  :D

We are in the lull between xmas and new years with nothing to do (other than a phone appointment on Tuesday) so I am going to focus on writing and weaving.  I'm playing around with some ideas for the next warp because I suspect I won't get the yarn any sooner than mid-January and I'd like to have this warp off the loom by then and maybe a chunk done of the next.  And then I'll be working on the next article, so this article needs to be finished before I start on that one.  With my brain still not completely functional, I can't multi-task like I used to do.  I have to really work to think things through, which is a bit disconcerting.  I'm used to flinging myself into this, that, and the other, juggling multiple balls in the air.  

I will be asking for a different pain med on Tuesday, and hopefully I will find one that will take away the pain without causing other pain elsewhere.  Rude!  (fingers crossed...)

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