Monday, January 20, 2025

Press Pause


Today I am heading back to the loom.  I took 3 days 'off' from weaving and did some 'light duty' tasks in the studio.  I'm hoping that helps the jabs I got on Friday work 'better'.  Tomorrow I will be talking to my doctor and requesting the next pain med on the list.  I had been avoiding trying all these different drugs because of the adverse effects, but everything was causing them, so then began the search for something that would help without causing further 'harm'.  It isn't fun, but I cannot keep on doing nothing and having my life being continually constrained due to pain - if not from my injuries, but by the very medications meant to deal with the pain and causing more.

But it seems that weaving isn't causing problems, and when I weave I manage to generate endorphins which help to reduce pain, so I will be getting back to the loom today.  

I'm quite pleased with the current warp.  I wasn't sure that 40 epi for the fine singles would work, but that and a 1:3:3:1 twill is working well.  The cloth feels 'substantial' but still has good drape, and they will become more flexible with use.

And this week I will get back to crunching the numbers for the article samples because the current warp will come off the loom this week.

I am holding off adding more inventory to ko-fi until we see what happens with tariffs.  So far the new president is still threatening to charge US citizens 25% tariffs on items being purchased from Canadian suppliers.  (No, Canadians will not be paying the tariff, that is coming directly out of USian pockets.)


We are living through 'interesting' times.

I suggest that people continue to do their creative work as it is one way to add positive energy to the world.  But we will be needing to pay attention.  And, if necessary, speak out.

I have found some solid left leaning voices, and rather than watch the MSM which seem to be bowing to the right, I will be paying attention to independent voices.

Since I am old and immune compromised, I won't be out on the streets marching, but I *will* be paying attention.  

I have seldom been what anyone would call an 'activist' but I think it is old people like me with little to lose that who will need to speak up.

As one parable says, I will speak up, not because I expect to change anyone's mind, but to remember who *I* am and not let 'them' change me.

As the alt right grows in power, everyone will have to decide how best to continue.  My plan (such as it is) will be to keep weaving, keep writing (for as long as anyone is interested), and speak out when I feel my voice has something to contribute.

Please do not read things into what I say.  My words are carefully chosen.  Just because I'm not a fan of the current US administration (sic) doesn't mean I hate people who live in the US.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wise words on speaking out to remember who I am, not to be silent and acquiesce to them