Monday, January 13, 2025

So It Begins!


weft yarn for next article

This week the yarn I ordered for the next article will arrive.  The 'extra' weft I need arrived today, so I can begin analyzing it and start thinking about the details of how I will set up the experiment and document the yarns.

(Yes, I have to order yarn in to do this!  OTOH, the warp yarns can be used later in my own weaving, so I'm not too bothered about needing to do that.)

I'm making good progress on the current warp.  Yesterday I hit about halfway, and the only appointment I have this week is my back jab on Friday.  And then I need to 'rest' while it begins to take effect so I have some 'light duties' that I can work on.  Like the spinning, which I haven't been able to make myself get serious about.  :(   I also have a couple (3?) books I'm trying to read - not the most helpful approach when I'm still handicapped by the brain bleed Aug. 31.  I should set one book aside and pick it up later, focus on the other two, but...

I also offered to do another article for WEFT, and while the editor is overwhelmed with getting issue #2 ready, she seems intrigued with what I offered to do, so we'll see.

As for the bleed recovery, I'm 4.5 months out and doing 'better', slowly but surely.  I am hoping to be recovered enough to start driving again in the spring.  The driving conditions have been, frankly, horrible with temps too high, and rain in January making the roads black ice danger strips.  But the swelling in my face is going down, so that is an indication that the swelling in my brain is, too.  All good things, but teeth grindingly 'slow' when you have little patience.

But the fact that WEFT seems to like what I'm submitting keeps me going.  Teaching has been such a large part of my weaving life that I had worried if I could keep on.  I'm still having difficulty with speech, especially when I get tired, but I can pace myself as to when I write - and then, of course, I can edit multiple times to make sure I'm saying what I meant to say.  Not to mention a great alpha reader to help pinpoint when I mis-speak or mis-grammar.

I have offered to bring the first issue of WEFT to the guild along with my woven samples when the magazine arrives next spring.  If anyone is interested.  So, we'll see if that gets organized or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New yarn is always exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it; one of these days I will remember to subscribe to Weft to see your articles when they come out.