2nd last painted warp beamed ready to thread....
One of the most dangerous things a craftsperson who relies on the sales of their product for income can do is to keep making the same thing over and over again just because it's been selling well.
Markets get saturated, fashions change - and there are always a million reasons for a customer to not purchase an expensive hand made item. Already having one (or more) of your current offerings is a really good one. :(
So even though a quick review of my sales indicates that what I have sold the most of for the last few years is, in fact, these painted warp scarves it's time to bid them adieu.
With what is left over plus the scarves I've woven in the last 3 months I will have plenty of inventory for the coming year. Enough inventory that I would not need to make more even if there were more warps to weave. Therefore my weaving time for this year will be an exploration of new fabric designs.
The Diversified Plain Weave scarves didn't sell like hot cakes but I did sell a few and since I have plenty of rayon chenille left I will no doubt make more. But in the meantime there are a few other things that I'd like to make first so those will go into the loom once I'm back from my travels.
Shawls also sold well this year and I have yarn dyed up ready to be turned into a few shawl warps.
Best of all, the ideas I currently have will draw upon my stash so I don't even have to buy a whole lot of yarn for those warps. :)
Laura, I bought some chenille on close out from Webs, then saw your beautiful scarf designs in Handwoven. I'm going to make the Heart scarf, and I'm really excited!
Enjoy! :)
Laura, I want to wish you a very good New Year! and lots of more happy weaving!
I really appreciate that you share your blog, - and admire your beautiful weaving!
Vera (South Australia)
Thanks Vera,
The best thing right now is that I shall be leaving the grey dreary skies here and heading for some sun! :D
Best wishes to you,
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